DJ Swang

Dedicated to the true art form. We are about the music and all that come with it. Best from back in the day, Present, and Future.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


1 comment:

  1. This is a great video and makes a great point. It's not necessarily the music that's the blame, but the fact that it is easily accessible to minors. I remember as a child, the only way you could listen to Bomb A$$ P***y (Dogg Pound) or Suga Free is by sneak listening. The urban have no type regard for the youth that is listening. It is also the guardian too. For example, Working at a Charter School I would reprimand the kids who sing these vile songs. Then they parent would pick them up in a car blasting the exact song. With that being said there has to be something said on all parts. These songs are good songs, but should be played for the appropriate audience and it up to the parent discretion if they child is able to play it.
