DJ Swang

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Friday, October 10, 2014

I.K. On The Real- Ebola Crisis- Bio chemical warfare on Black People?

"The current Ebola crisis has been tinged with racism and xenophobia. The disease rages in West Africa, and has therefore largely infected people of color. But somehow Americans were among the first to get a dose of Zmapp — the experimental anti-Ebola drug — this summer, despite the fact that Africans have been dying from the current Ebola epidemic since its emergence in Guinea in December...
And now that Ebola has "reached" the US, American privilege — white privilege, especially — is floating to the surface, in even less subtle ways.
The difference in treatment for US patients and African patients is stark, beyond the use of experimental drugs. Some Ebola-stricken regions in West Africa don’t have access to fuel to power ambulances, and many health workers lack the protective gear to stave off infection. Which is why it's so strange that Duncan's health has been used as an excuse to voice concerns about the presence of foreigners in Dallas. Instead of asking government officials why the WHO has a much smaller budget than the CDC or why it has suffered massive cuts in the last two years, Americans have preferred to focus on themselves...
Yesterday, The Raw Story wrote about how immigrants living in the same neighborhood as Duncan’s family were facing immense discrimination. Some have been turned away from their jobs, David Edwards writes, while others have been refused service in restaurants. The color of their skin and their accents makes them a target, even though they never came into contact with Duncan, and therefore pose zero risk. It doesn’t matter: they’re dark-skinned and foreign. They’re in Dallas. They might be infectious...
Now, an ugly new hashtag has emerged: ‪#‎Obola‬, a coinage that was popularized thanks to a tweet by conservative writer Dinesh D’Souza, and a Michael Savage radio segment...The President’s name doesn't exactly resemble "Ebola." But D’Souza, a known "birther," has somehow managed to liken a name like Obama with a disease that’s raging in Africa — not in the US. Predictably, this has given racist xenophobic Americans a banner to rally around...
America: your xenophobia is showing. Many have lost sight that the only way to become infected with Ebola is by coming into contact with the bodily fluids of someone who’s showing symptoms. Others have ignored the fact that, so far, no one who came into contact with Duncan has developed symptoms of Ebola. Instead, there are calls for larger quarantines in Dallas — or a continent-wide one in Africa — which would only lead to more infections, and a greater sense of panic...
It’s not like we don’t know how to stop Ebola — we’ve done it in the past. That’s what we should be talking about. We should be asking why the first case of Ebola transmission outside Africa happened in Spain, a country that recently experienced public health cuts...
But when people spend more energy on dehumanizing individuals in Dallas than on urging politicians to help the people of Liberia and Sierra Leone, we all lose out."
 -Africa Oakland
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