DJ Swang

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Successful Black Youth-The stories media won't air

If you think about most of born in the 80s and 90s, the creative school projects consisted of macaroni, paper mache, or the typical volcano. Now that we have progressed in the information age of technology, the creativity and ingenuity of our next generation is something unheard of. Here are a couple names that should be blasted through media for there greatness.

At age 7, Zora Ball made history becoming the youngest person to create a full-version mobile game application. Ball, first grader who attends Harambee Institute of Science and Technology Charter School in Philadelphia, presented her invention at University of Pennsylvania’s “Bootstrap Expo” To prove any doubters wrong at the event; Zora reconfigured and explained her application upon request.

This is a story from early 2013. Unfortunately stories like these aren’t the National headlines. Many black youth today are making strides despite the social stigma. These are a few stories.

For example, there is a 9 year old kid named Joshua, who founded his own foundation (Joshua's Heart Foundation)to “stomp out hunger” that fed over 7,000 people. To date, Joshua's Heart Foundation has distributed over 400,000 pounds of food to those in need and they coupled that assistance with teaching some recipients how to prepare healthier meals.

There is also the story of Leanna Archer, who became the CEO of her own hair product line (From her great grandmother’s secret recipie); Leanna Inc. She became the youngest entrepreneur to ever open the NASDAQ.

Another name to remember is Tony Hansberry II. This 14 year old invented a surgical technique. Under tutelage from Dr. Brent Siebel, an Urogynecologist, Hansberry developed a stitching technique that can be used to reduce surgical complications, as well as the chance of error among less experienced surgeons.

4 year-old Anala Beevers, who hails from New Orleans, Boast an IQ of 145 and an invitation to join MENSA, the international organization fro people who score in the 98th percentile on intelligence tests. She knows the location and capital of every state in the U.S., and a few countries.

Unfortunately, Most of these stories happened as far as five years ago. Media would rather bombard the world with visions of blacks being savaged, hyper sexualized, Uneducated, and all entice by the hood. The names listed above are a small group of youth that are making moves in a world who expect them to do the opposite. So let these stories be told to our own youth who are told that the only way out is entertainment and sports. We are much more than what society throws at us. CHANGE WILL COME, and we must mold our youth to make that change.

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